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Старый 22.11.2024, 10:01   #1
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
По умолчанию Hot Toys MMS781: Deadpool & Wolverine - X-23 1/6 Figure

Hot Toys анонсировали фигурку X-23 по фильму "Дэдпул и Росомаха". У фигурки будут подвижные глаза, сменные волосы, кисти рук с когтями, сменные когти на ботинках, рюкзак, очки, подставка-диорама со шлемом Джаггернаута.

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The 1/6th scale X-23 Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Dafne Keen as X-23 in Deadpool & Wolverine
- One (1) newly developed X-23 head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs
- Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture and make-up
- Greatly detailed black long wavy hair with two (2) styles of hair sculpture
- Approximately 27 cm tall
- Newly developed body with over 28 points of articulations and silicone arms with seamless joint
- Eight (8) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of relaxed hands
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of fists with Adamantium Claws
- One (1) pairs of open hands with Adamantium Claws
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

- One (1) black vest
- One (1) printed grey tee
- One (1) pair of wrist cuffs
- One (1) pair of gray tight pants
- One (1) belt with X-Men logo buckle
- One (1) pair of black tall boots that includes one (1) pair of detachable toe box with claws

- One (1) grayish-green backpack with horse shape accessory
- One (1) pair of sunglasses
- One (1) battle damaged Juggernaut helmet
- Specially designed rocky themed diorama figure base

Предварительная дата релиза: Q4, 2025 – Q1, 2026
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