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Старый 07.11.2024, 06:34   #1
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
По умолчанию Hot Toys MMS774: Terminator 2: Judgment Day - T-1000 (2.0) 1/6 Figure

Hot Toys анонсировали обновлённую фигурку терминатора T-1000 по 2-й части. Из нового нас ждут: два скульпта с подвижными глазами, подставка-диорама, "заглючивший" сапог. Остальной комплект не изменился: дополнительная форма мотоциклиста, руки-крюки, эффекты попадания пуль, полицейский пояс, MP-5, пистолет.

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The 1/6th scale T-1000 (2.0) Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Robert Patrick as T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Two (2) newly developed head sculpts, including:
- One (1) regular version with separate rolling eyeballs
- One (1) battle damaged version with liquid metal revealing design and separate rolling eyeball on left eye
- Movie-accurate facial expression and skin texture
- Approximately 31 cm tall
- Newly developed body with over 30 points of articulation
- Eleven (11) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair or relaxed hands
- One (1) pair of open hands
- One (1) pair of pistol holding hands
- One (1) pair of accessories holding hands
- One (1) index finger pointing right hand
- Two (2) right hands with liquid metal effect pointy index fingers
- One (1) pair of claw-liked liquid metal effect forearms, attachable to figure
- One (1) blade-liked liquid metal effect forearm, attachable to figure
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

- One (1) new tailored black-colored jacket with police badges
- One (1) new tailored dark blue-colored shirt with police badges and nametag
- One (1) white top
- One (1) pair of dark blue-colored pants
- One (1) pair of dark blue-colored tight pants
- One (1) black-colored belt
- One (1) black-colored utility belt with pouches and pistol holster
- One (1) pair of black-colored socks
- One (1) pair of black-colored shoes
- One (1) pair of black-colored boots
- One (1) pair of boots with liquid metal effect

- One (1) submachine gun
- One (1) pistol

- One (1) helmet
- One (1) flashlight
- One (1) walkie-talkie
- One (1) pair of handcuffs
- One (1) pair of sunglasses
- One (1) set of liquid metal effects, magnetically attachable to shirt
- Specially designed LED lighted steel mill themed diorama figure base with movie logo and character nameplate (Yellow light, USB power operated)

Предварительная дата релиза: Q4, 2025 – Q1, 2026
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