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Старый 06.12.2024, 10:25   #1
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
По умолчанию Hot Toys CMS021D68: Marvel Comics - Iron Patriot 1/6 Figure

Анонсирована эксклюзивная фигурка Железного патриота от Hot Toys по комиксам Marvel. В комплекте щит Капитана Америка на магнитах, тематическая подставка и сменные части брони на груди, плечах, руках. Тираж 3000 шт.

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The 1/6th scale Iron Patriot Collectible specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Iron Patriot in Marvel Comics
- A newly developed helmeted head with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- Approximately 32.5cm tall
- Body with 30 points of articulation
- Contains diecast material
- Special features on armor:
- Metallic red, blue and silver colored painting on the sleek and streamline Iron Patriot armor design
- 25 LED light-up points throughout parts of the armor (white light, battery operated)
- Two (2) styles of newly developed interchangeable chest armors
- Two (2) styles of interchangeable shoulder armors (regular, missile firing)
- Two (2) pair of interchangeable forearm armors (regular, missile firing)
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists (with lighting points that emit white light when the armor LED light is on)
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers (with lighting points that emit white light when the armor LED light is on)
- One (1) pair of battle palms (with lighting points that emit white light when the armor LED light is on)
- Fully deployed air flaps at back of the armor
- Articulations on waist armor which allow flexible movement

- One (1) circular red, blue and silver Captain America shield with magnetic function
- Specially designed figure stand painted in red, blue and silver color, includes LED light up function (white light, USB power operated)


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