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Старый 27.11.2023, 09:47   #1
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
По умолчанию Hot Toys QS025: Iron Man 2 - Iron Man Mark VI 1/4 Figure

Анонсирована фигурка Железного человека Марк 6 в масштабе 1/4 от Hot Toys. В комплекте сменная голова без шлема с подвижными глазами, многочисленная подсветка по всему костюму, сменные части брони, в т.ч. повреждённые, эффекты лазера, подставка с кусками дрона Хаммера.

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The 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark VI Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/ Iron Man Mark VI in Iron Man 2
- One (1) Iron Man helmet with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) newly developed Tony Stark head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs
- Movie-accurate facial features with detailed beard, wrinkles and skin texture
- Approximately 48.5 cm tall
- Over 40 points of articulations
- Special features on armor:
- Metallic gold and red colored painting on the sleek and streamline Iron Man armor design
- LED light up design on eyes, arc reactor, and palms (white light, battery operated)
- LED lights can shine through sides of chest, ribs, forearms, back of legs and upper back (blue light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of built-in shoulder missile launchers
- Two (2) pairs of articulated rib armor to reveal interior mechanical design
- One (1) pair of articulated forearm armor allowing extension for missile firing mode
- One (1) pair of articulated countermeasure dispensers
- Multiple interchangeable armors including:
- One (1) battle damaged mask
- One (1) battle damaged chest armor
- One (1) pair of battle damaged shoulder armors
- One (1) 4-piece left thigh armor set (whole)
- One (1) right thigh armor (front section only)
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of repulsor-firing hands (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
- Articulated flaps on legs
- Fully deployable air flaps at back of the armor
- Multi-layered waist armor with enhanced articulations allowing highly flexible movement
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

- One (1) pair of attachable real-like laser effect (attachable to hands with articulated fingers)
- Specially designed diorama figure stand with drone remains diorama accessories

Предварительная дата релиза: Q4, 2024 – Q1, 2025

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Последний раз редактировалось time666; 03.02.2025 в 22:06. Причина: Добавлена дополнительная информация.
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Старый 01.12.2023, 13:00   #2
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
По умолчанию

Цена y Sideshow - $640


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Старый 03.02.2025, 21:33   #3
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,308
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