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Старый 02.01.2025, 18:55   #1
Аватар для DEMOH85
Регистрация: 10.06.2014
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 3,309
По умолчанию Hot Toys MMS788: Deadpool & Wolverine - Nicepool 1/6 Figure

Hot Toys анонсировали фигурку Милпула по фильму "Дэдпул и Росомаха". У фигурки будут подвижные глаза; в комплекте кинжал, две катаны, два позолоченных пистолета и очередной Догпул.

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The 1/6th scale Nicepool Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Ryan Reynolds as Nicepool in Deadpool & Wolverine
- One (1) newly developed Nicepool head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs
- Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture and make-up
- Greatly detailed brown medium length wavy hair
- Approximately 31 cm tall
- Newly developed body with over 30 points of articulation
- Eleven (11) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
- One (1) pair for pistol holding hands
- One (1) pair of katana holding hands
- One (1) pair of open hands
- One (1) pair of finger pointing hands
- One (1) pair of thumb-up hands
- One (1) gesture right hand
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

- One (1) specially tailored glossy bright red and black-colored Nicepool suit
- One (1) brown-colored utility belt with pouches and metallic red colored buckle
- One (1) pair of thigh gun holsters
- One (1) dagger sheath on shin
- One (1) pair of glossy bright red and black-colored boots

- One (1) dagger
- Two (2) katanas
- Two (2) metallic gold colored pistols

- One (1) Dogpool with goggles (moveable head, articulated front legs)
- One (1) katana sheath
- Specially designed LED lighted figure base with movie logo and character nameplate (White light, USB power operated)

Предварительная дата релиза: Q1 – Q2, 2026
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